pLS Logo by Todd [Tin Omen] Kadrie
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03.10.17: Usage Question.

Howdy Folks. I have a question for you all. Does anyone use the "StartupRunItem" or "StartupRunFolderContents" commands available in purels.cfg? The reason I ask, is because it is hindering an architecture change I am wanting to implement in the code base. The reason I provided the functionality in the first place was because it allows custom, shell defined, startup items to be run exactly like normal startup items are run. The reason that is of any interest, is because startup items are executed in a slightly different manner than, say how a program is executed when using the !execute command. The differences are fairly trivial, and probably unrecognized. But at the time of implementation it wasn't difficult to implement, so I did. But now I'm finding it is standing in the way. So unless someone speaks up soon, the functionality will probably get axed and relegated back to 3rd party plugin responsibility. Of course the definition of 'soon' means whenever I have a free moment, so put that in context of the progress over the last two years, and you'll probably realize you have another year to respond. :P Ok I joke (I hope), as this change is all part of a final push to get the next build out.

As an aside, I currently run a build that is a little over a year old, but which is a year newer than probably most of yours. :P But, if all goes well I plan on moving my 'stable' install over to my latest build shortly. However, I probably won't be posting a test build for a bit yet, as I am full on busy with other responsibilities. But as a glimmer of hope to you all, I do have CVS up and working again. Which means I'm able to keep better track of changes, and work towards squashing existing bugs and stabilizing the new features without forgetting what I have changed since the last time I worked on it the month before. :)

That all said, I am quite busy, but I've made it a goal that one way or the other, if a release hasn't happened by the end of February, then I will simply post the source code and let others play with it. Please feel free to keep me to my word on this. :) Take care.

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pLS Logo by Todd [Tin Omen] Kadrie